October 28, 2010

No Clue

Hey there, Miss Artsy Fartsy here!
     Okay, I love my brother, the second-born child in our family. He's a great little guy (okay, so he's not little, but I need to keep calling him that while he's still shorter than me). He's really funny, he gets distracted very easily, by anything bigger than a speck of dust. He has his bad days, of course. He can be moody, and gets mad pretty easily.  Despite this, I like hanging around with him. He can be really fun, if you catch him in the right mood.
     One of the things I love about my brother is this: he has no clue. He takes everything in it's most literal form, and cannot for the life of him understand sarcasm. I could sit and make fun of him for hours, and he may never know it. I'll say something jokingly, and if I can keep a relatively straight face, he'd never know it. Example:
"Leah, why are you on the floor?"
"I'm doing my nails, they look awful. Hey, you want me to do yours? I just got some really great coral polish, and a new file..."
"Leah, you're so stupid! Why would I want you to do my nails? Guys don't paint they're nails!"
"Well, some do, and I just thought..."
"Don't be such an idiot! Have I ever painted my nails?"
*I look at his hands* "Sure wouldn't kill ya to put a coat or two of Sheer Pearl on there."
"No! Gosh." *stomps away*

Once or twice a day I like to mess with him. I guess that makes me evil. Oh, well.

Miss A.F.

October 25, 2010

Finally Back

This is Miss A.F..  Sorry I haven't touched base lately, the internet 'round here has been dead. But it was resurrected by my father, the computer whiz.
     So, not much has happened since the last time I posted, but it's been a nice few days (week?). 
Yesterday, I took myself on a very nice walk to the end of our road and through the field, and into the woods at the end of said field. It was very quiet. I sat on a fallen tree and meditated on... everything. Seriously, I sat for, like, and hour. My mom called me (on her phone that she makes me take when I take a walk, since I'm home schooled and don't need my own phone) to make sure I hadn't been eaten by wolves or abducted by aliens. So, that was something I did this week.
I also do not have a Halloween costume yet.
I really need one.
It is less than a week 'til Halloween.
This could get ugly.
     On a less serious note, have you ever had dark chocolate with sea-salt? If you have not, get yourself over to the nearest Lindt vendor and get yourself a bar. It's the best.

     Running out of dark-chocolate,
     Miss Artsy Fartsy

Wish me luck on my current project, if it goes well I will post pictures.

October 23, 2010

Copy Cat

This is Miss Sophisticated. So, I couldn't think of anything exciting to blog about so I'm going to copy cat off of Ms. ArtsyFarsty and tell you about my siblings.
     First I'll tell you about my little brother, George.  Don't you love his name?  I'm so used to it, but if you think about it, it's kind of a grandpa name, ya know?!
    So my little brother George is very cute. He is the same age as Leah's little sister.  He tries to act like my big brother, but he is actually just a little boy at heart.  He gets very embarrassed very easily, he is very shy, he is kind of a sissy,  he is very cute and I love him and he loves me too, but he never admits it. :)  Lately his biggest thing is webkinz. He is in Ohio with my dad and sister this weekend so before he left he told me to make sure I feed his pets on webkinz world. :) He whispered it to me though because he was embarrassed to admit that he needed my help or that he, even slightly, likes me.  He has a lot of friends in our neighborhood.  In fact, too many! There are always a billion little children in my backyard (we're the family with the trampoline!).  George tries to act cool or show off when they're here.  But he's not exactly Mr. tough guy...:)  He played baseball this summer and he has the same first and last name of a famous major league baseball player. George has a big picture of him above his bed. It's pretty cool.
     Next is my little sister, Molly. She is the same age as another one of Leah's brothers :) She is....well, a little bit of a drama queen. :) She is cute and always has cute clothes and stuff which, at times, makes me kind of jealous. :( But I love her. We share a room. We have bunk beds. She is slightly annoying. She is silly. We talk a lot. She likes me. I like her. But we are very different, for example, when it comes to style, she's always in style (like skinny jeans and such) and I'm more smart (like flare jeans because they are way more flattering than jeggings!) She has a friend, who is very different! her name is Bailey. She is pushy, loud, and really "flirty" around all the neighborhood boys but everyone just makes fun of her... kinda sad. Bailey is so interesting that i don't have enough time to talk about all of....her... But the main thing is that Molly used to let Bailey push her around all the time Here are a few things Bailey would say to Molly: 'Hey Molly I'm bored. I'm going to go play with my best friend. Bye.' or 'I'm not your Friend anymore' or 'Molly, you're so mean and your always tell me what to do', which is a TOTALLY backwards. But now Molly doesn't let Bailey say that stuff and they're ok now.
     So last, my big brother, Kyler. He's a senior this year. I love him. I love his job, McDonald's fry guy ;) I love his car, 1998 Nissan Maxima. It's green and he bought it with his own money! I'm very proud of him. He looks Italian, because my mom's side is Italian. He's had a couple of short term girlfriends but nothing serious. :) He is smart. He might to Michigan Tech!!! But I think that's too far away...:(  He tries to be like a gangsta....not really but kind of. For a while he did the low pants, show the world your boxers thing. But he's done with that now, thankfully! He's always got some game on the computer, wii, or x-box that he is really into for a while. In fact right now he is playing World of War craft. He's weird. He is talking himself...'all of these weapons stink', or 'are your freaking kidding me dude?!', or 'WOW! are you serious?!' I wonder sometimes.....:) But I love him.
Well that's all!!!!! Bye bye!
~Miss Sophisticated

October 21, 2010

My Sista

Hello, this is Miss A.F.!
     First, I would like to state that my bleak mood has passed, and I'm good. (Just in case y'all were wondering)
     Okay, I have this sister. She's seven years younger than I am. She listens to Hannah Montana. She dances and sings and reminds one of a certain Saturday Night Live character. She speaks three notches louder than anyone else, and does concerts in front of the bathroom mirror. She's melodramatic to the core, and can turn on tears faster 'n you can blink. She asks you a question, and before you can answer, answers herself. A typical conversation goes like this:
     "Hey, Leah, what are you doin'?" "I'm trying to--" "You're finishing you're drawing! Yay! I finished a drawing just a second ago, it was a turtle with a crown, it looks like the turtle we saw at the walking trail. I like the walking trail because there are turtles, have you ever seen frogs there? I saw one in our yard, I almost stepped on it, I didn't. But once, I stepped on a beetle. I hate beetles. I think there was one in the bathtub once. I took a bath this morning and there was a spider, and mom had to get it out, and I took a bubble bath. Now I smell good, smell my arm." *shoves fore arm under my nose* "See? I used the new body wash, it smells like the water melon gum you got. I like gum. Once, I even liked gum so much, I got it in my hair and we had to put peanut butter in it. It was gross. Oooh, hey, look! I found a bead! Can I have it?" "Well, sure-hey, don't touch that!" "What? Oh, this? Sorry." *sets my paintbrushes down* "Hey, Leah, can I have a hug?"

Off to play Monopoly Jr.,
Miss Artsy Fartsy, the one with the psychotic sister

October 20, 2010

Miss Sophisticated Here

Hello all. Today I babysit two little boys named Hudson and Landon.  They are so cute!! I had fun but it was from 9-2:30 so I really didn't get to do much school. But when I came home, for some strange reason, I was motivated to get to work! So I did most of my schoolwork today.
     You won't believe what happened to me, just a few minutes ago. You might though. I got my lip stuck in a cell phone. Oh yes indeed. My parents always say I fiddle with things and mess around with objects that should be left alone... so I just hung up from talking to my father, and I was just sliding the phone open and close. My lip got caught in the keypad thing and...yeah. :( It still hurst.
With a Numb Lip,
Miss Sophisticated

October 19, 2010

A 'Negative Outlook' Kind Of Day

Hello, all, Miss A. F. here.
     *sigh* I feel as though all is bleak.  Oh, so bleak.  I think it was the going to bed late last night, and the waking up early, and the math test this morning, and the part where I missed my breakfast, and possibly the blah weather.  Also, I haven't been out in awhile.
     I have my days.  Even as an introvert and self-diagnosed agoraphobic, I still get sick of being cooped up with my family for a few days.  After about 48 hours, I begin to pound my head against the wall, and I start telling everyone things like, "Go take a long walk of a short peer, my friend." Only I'm not that nice about it.  My mother, Lord love 'er, is even more of a home-body than I am, and simply can't understand what's the matter.  "Hormones", says she, "Cabin Fever", says I. Really, I haven't gone further than the end of our road for three days.  I have not spoken to anyone but my family for three days. I have had to listen to the tiffs, the whining, the "No, man, my legos are way better than your legos" stuff for three days. Someone send help. PLEASE, I beg of you, things are going to get ugly 'round here. *smacks forehead repeatedly*
     Okay, so I might be a little, slightly, teeny bit hormonal, but I still want to go get a coffee or something. Oh, wait, I forgot. I live in the middle of nowhere, so the closest coffee place is twenty miles away. Silly me.
I'll post updates on my deteriorating condition tomorrow.
Signing off,
Miss Artsy Fartsy

October 18, 2010

Hey! It's Miss Sophisticated.  I would like to add to Ms. ArstyFarsty's post.  Here are some old pics. of us that I found:
     As you can see we learned to love each other and to work out our problems from a young age. Thank for the head massage by the way, Leah. :)
      And I soon learned the loving means also sharing...
          And now I would like to make a special thank you to my favorite cousin (don't tell the others) and my best friend, Leah, for making this blog possible. I love you.

     So anyways....would you like to now how my day went?  Of course you would.  Well I woke up (I thought it was early but I guess I never looked at the time), then I took a shower, and got ready because I have classes on Mondays.  Well I went to dry my hair and my mom noticed it was 9:00.  The problem is, my class starts at nine.  So I hadn't packed my lunch, got my homework ready or gotten my shoes for volleyball or anything. So I ran around trying to get everything ready and we left by five after nine.  In the car, on the way there, I spilled some of my protein shale on my white t-shirt.  Thankfully i had a sweater which I buttoned up over the stain.
   My first class was Biology and my teacher is nice, so she didn't hassle me for being twenty minutes late.  As soon as I got into class I remembered that I was supposed to d o an experiment at home the previous week, take notes on the experiment, and turn them in. Well I didn't. I was all freaking out and stuff cause I totally didn't do my homework! Thank goodness nobody else did the experiment and she gave us another week.
     Next is government.  I would first like to thank all of you for emailing me some great ideas on the paper...NOT! But it's ok because my government teacher finally responded to my mom's email telling her that I was confused with the homework. My teacher said that I didn't have to worry about it and she would help me out in class next week. Today we had a substitute teacher, we watched School House Rock.  It was great. We have no homework this week!
     Now for lunch.  It was a last minute lunch (my bad), so I had a sesame seed bagel with cream cheese. It was weird. It only ate half of it.
     And, finally volleyball. The guys beat us all three games.
The End.

October 17, 2010

Hey, this is Miss Artsy Fartsy!
     Okay, Miss S. and I have been buddies since she was born.  The first ten years of our friendship consisted of me trying to get her to participate in my many schemes and plots. Schemes like attempting to catch a bird with a tadpole net attached to kite-string, applying blue eyeshadow to her entire face, making a car out of plywood and sticks, and digging for worms so I could trick my brother into eating them. Thankfully, Hannah was blessed with a logical brain, and didn't follow along when I went on short trips to insanity.  I've pretty much given up the evil-plot hobby (for now), so I think our buddy-ship has grown alot over the past two or three years.  It might have something to do with me being less bossy. But whose to say?
     Anyway, here's one of our very first pictures together.

Just keepin' it real.  For the record, I am not the baby on the right.
Just sayin'.

Goodbye for now,
Miss Artsy Fartsy

October 15, 2010

Our Unnamed Story: Chapter II

Last post: The unnamed man with Mallarditisis was offered assistance from Dr. McFroggert.
     Since we left our dear Mallarditisis patient he has undergone eight therapy sessions with Dr. McFroggert.  One Tuesday morning the man and the good doctor were going through the exercises prescribed by Dr. McFroggert; one of these was to repeat over and over: 'There are no killer ducks, there are no killer ducks.'
   Over the next few weeks the doctor persistently tried to convince the man that the mallards were friends, not foes!
     Yet every session the man would say he had nightmares of a giant duck murdering him in his home.  Sadly enough, it was starting to appear to the doctor that this man could never be cured.
~To be continued~
Boy oh boy, next week we've got a big surprise in store for you!

October 14, 2010

F. Y. I.

Still haven't started government paper.  That is all.
~Miss Sophisticated

October 13, 2010


For all you millions of people out there that are just avid followers of this blog (hehe), I'm having homework issues (This is Miss Sophisticated, by the way).  Today I decided to my government homework first.
     I have to read Federalist letter No. 10 (written by James Madison, to 'convince the people to ratify the constitution'...) and then write a short paper on why that letter would or would not convince me to ratify the constitution... Hmm  So anyways, this federalist paper thing is about how there are 'factions' in America, and that if the 'new plan of government', the constitution, is adopted then men will be elected to represent the people and to guard against the rule of the mob (the 'faction' are basically mobs...I think). So my teacher gave us this homework (a real teacher not my mom) and we didn't even talk about the federalist letters in our lesson and I just found out that I'm two years younger than everyone else ing my class!! Ughh. I hate government! It's really above my head.
   Oh and my government teacher...oh dear!!! First of all, her email address is hippielostinmailto:hippielostintime@whatever... oh dear. And she has a lot of kids, she loves debating, she's a big ol' republican, and she is just kinda weird.
    So if any of you fans out the would like to write this paper for me, I would appreciate that! (I offered my family money, but nobody wanted to do it for me)
~Miss Sophisticated


Hey there, Miss Artsy Fartsy here!
     Well, first, Hannah and I went roller-skating yesterday. I didn't fall, even once. Yes, thank you, yes, I know,I know, thank you (no, seriously, stop clapping).
     So, after we got home, I contemplated the sorry state of my room. Wow. There was eraser-dust all over my floor, books lay scattered next to my bookshelf, and you couldn't even see my desk for all the graph-paper and notes. You see, I've been studying anatomy for drawing, and when I start to study something, I pretty much zone out for a week or two. And when I study the human anatomy, I have pictures and guides and skeletons and dummies all over the place, and everything just gets that much more cluttered. So, I decided I needed to clean it up. That was yesterday. Today (at 4 o'clock), the books, the eraser dust, and the paper is still exactly where it was. This is because I made the sorry mistake of sitting at my desk. "I'll just finish this guy's foot", I said. Four hours later, guess where I was? Graphing pictures of the human skull, of course. It was 11 o'clock. "I'll get it done tomorrow" says I. So today I finished school and thought, "Man, my room's a mess", and promptly sat at my desk and finished a drawing a human eye. I'm a text-book example procrastinator.
Now, I am going upstairs to vacuum, and possibly rope off my desk area.
Miss A.F.
Miss Sophisticated is a dork. In a nice way, of course.

October 11, 2010

#1 Harry Potter fan

Hello this is the world's #1 Harry Potter fan (Miss Sophisticated), actually not really; I'm a fan and a bit obsessed with Harry Potter, but I'm probably not the world's #1 fan. 
     So anyways, I just finished reading the series for the first time last month, then I realized that I was extremely bored with no good books to read, and a part of my life was missing so I am now re-reading the books.  I'm almost done with the first one.  There are seven books, just in case you're a freak and you didn't know that. Sorry. Ok:  1. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone,  2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets,  3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban,  4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,  5. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,  6. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, and the last one (sadly) 7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.  I LOVE the books!  Way better than the movies, which every one will tell you.  The movies are great too though.  The last movie, The Deathly Hallows, comes out on Nov. 19. Ahh! Only 39 days!!!! I'm super excited and I'm going to see the movie at midnight opening night!
     But anyways, I think It would be better if I had waited a little longer, and maybe read some other books, before re-reading the books, but after I finished the last on it was depressing. Seriously. I mean, I'd been reading the books for a year straight, I was (and still am) obsessed with a certain hottie from the movies,  and I was just so into them and then all of a sudden they're done. So and so are dead, and such and such happened, and it's over. Forever, because there are no more books.  It's very depressing.  So I thought reading them again would solve my problems.  But I need to just realize that Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Voldemort, Dumbledore, and the rest of them are not even real. Wow! That stinks. But it's the truth. They're just the amazingly, awesomely, genius, idea from the creative mind of J. K. Rowling.  But I'm still going to read them all again. :)
     So you know how I said I'm obsessed with a certain hottie from the books....well Ron Weasley. Yup that's him. He's a red head, which I think is extremely cute, and he's just darn attractive.  I'm sorry, Leah, for going on about him but I can't help it. :) Seriously.  Ok so in the books Ron is really cool, he's Harry's 'best mate' and he says 'oy' and 'bloody h***'  in his adorable accent. :) He deathly afraid of spider's (something he and I have in common) and he is a lady's man. :) The actor who plays Ron is actually named Rupert Grint.  And here he is:
 And then all three of them, Harry, Ron, and Hermoine:
 And them again:
     Well that's what I have to say about Harry Potter. The End :)
~Miss Sophisticated


Hello, Miss A.F. here!
     Well, Hannah and I were together for two days, and we had a blast. Strange things occur when we are together. One of the strange things was that story. Wow. I read it this morning. Oh, how much funnier things are when you're with your buddy. But, after re-reading it, and thinking of future chapter plots, I think we might have something. Maybe. Okay, maybe not. But it should still be really interesting to see where things go.
     Another one of the strange things was a sequence of videos, taken with Miss Sophisticated's camera. Now, because I love you (and because they're on Ms. S's camera, not mine), I will not post these videos. All I will say is that they involved a tree, some crawling, some machine guns on Hannah's part, and some skipping on mine. It was really fun.
     We also ate some sour-cream-and-onion Crick-ettes that I obtained when I was in Kentucky, which were creepy and, strangely, tasteless. I took the legs off mine.
     Overall, I had a terrific weekend.  The thing is, it made doing school this morning that much ickier in comparison. Oh, well.
     Now, off to clean charcoal and graphite off my desk,
Miss Artsy Fartsy

October 09, 2010

Together At Last

Hey! Miss Sophisticated and Ms. ArtsyFartsy here.
     Ok so right now Ms. A.F. is at my house (Miss. S. 'house) and we are going to blog it up!
So we're going to write a story. I type a sentence, then Ms. A.F. types a sentence, and hopefully it works out. This should be interesting.
     Once there was a man, who had a mental condition called Mallarditisis.
He lived in a little hut near a creek.
This was not a good thing for his mental condition, which caused in him an irrational fear of ducks.
This specific creek had an irregular amount of ducks. The man lived in turmoil every day because of his fear, until he met Dr. McFroggert. One morning the man went out to the creek to sprinkle duck poisoning on the bank, when he looked around and suddenly saw a strange, important looking man sitting on a rock. "Who are you?" inquired the man.
"Oh dear! You startled me! Umm oh yes, My name is Dr. McFroggert."
"Yeah, well, what are you doing in my-AHHHHHGGHGHHGH!!!" *runs away*
Oh heavens no! This man surely need my assistance!" So the doctor ran off after the man.
When the doctor found the man, he was huddled beneath a picnic table, sucking his thumb and repeating the phrase, "The ducks will not hurt me, the ducks will not hurt me" over and over.
"Oh you poor soul! Whatever were you running from?"
The man quivered, he began to cry, saying, "The MALLARDS!!! They're after me, they want to kill me and eat me! I dreamt.... AHHH" *sobs*
The Dr. crouched down to the man and gently rested his hand on the mans shoulder. "Oh dear. You defiantly need my assistance. What is your name, poor soul?"
"I never had a name. My mother... she was EATEN by MALLARDS...before she could give me one!!! Or was that the dream? No, wait, uhm, no, my name... I can't remember!"
"Oh heavens! Well sir, would you like my assistance? Here's my business card" The doctor sat up, pulled an official looking card out of his wallet, and handed it to the man.
The man took the card in a trembling hand, "W. L. McFroggert, M. D., rare mental conditions specialist." it read.
"What do you think, poor soul, would you like to follow me to my vehicle and come down to my office? I could examine your condition and...Uhh, help you."
"Well, I, um, I haven't ever been in a motor car before." The man thought about the good doctors offer. "I suppose. I just, I feel like I've never been able to live a full life, and, oh, I just can't thank you enough!" *sobs*
"Oh heavens, dear man, don't cry!  It's my job to help you!" Dr. McFroggert stood up and motioned to the man to follow him.
     ~To Be continued~

     So, do we have you hooked yet? Yeah, thought so.
Now that we've been blogging for three weeks there's just one thing we want to say to you: WE LOVE YOU GUYS!
Anyway, we'll post the next installment of our story next time we're together.
Miss Sophisticated and Ms. ArtsyFartsy

October 08, 2010

Time On My Hands

This is Ms. A. F.
     As an introverted homeschooler, I usually have lots of time on my hands, especially on Friday evenings/nights. Usually, I read, or paint, or sculpt, or sew, or sketch, or surf Etsy, my #1 go-to site. The stuff on there is just so gall-darned cute! So, I get on Etsy and find random unrelated stuff that I love.
Things like...
This dress. I just died.

And this necklace. Dainty, with a red flower. My favorite kind!

And these boots. In case you haven't noticed,
I have varied tastes when it comes to clothing and accessories.

And that's what I've been doing for the last hour.

Love, and goodnight,
Miss Artsy Fartsy

The Critters

Miss Artsy Fartsy here!
     My family and I have had a long, somewhat unsuccessful, line of pets. So far it has included a male cat that turned out to be female and had two litters of kittens, another cat that had a litter of kittens and then ran away, all fifteen kittens, which were given away or ran away to live in the neighbor's barn, my three hamsters, both of my brother's hamsters, another cat that my mom got for free at a local antique store, six chickens, and countless aquatic pets, including a crab, a snail, and a shrimp. All of this, plus my many bug-ish type pets, and a couple of toads that mysteriously 'escaped'.
     Anyway, right now we have it narrowed down to a black and white cat, a black cat, two hamsters, and a raccoon couple who eat the cat food. Today, however, I have decided to admit a new member to our zany little scrapbook of critters. Her name is Bud, she enjoys licking grape-flavored Popsicle sticks, and she is officially the funniest looking animal I've ever tried not to like! She's a stray cat. She's yellow, orange, black, grey and brown. She has gorgeous eyes. She's also very cat-like, unlike my mom's free-bee antique-store cat, who thinks he's a person.
     I tried, oh, so very hard to despise her, after all, who knows where she's been? She could be pregnant, or diseased, or, or... but it was useless. I'm a sucker. I was sitting on the porch swing reading, and she hopped into my lap and went to sleep. I'm turning into the crazy cat lady. Next thing, I'll have cat calendars and screen-savers, and wear tacky kitten t-shirts, and talking to my smelly barn cat, and...and...I think I need a dog. (Hey, ma, can I get a dog?)

Going clinically insane,
Miss A. F.

October 07, 2010


Hello there, this is Miss Artsy Fartsy.
     The baby in our family, my brother, is five years old today!!!
I love my baby brother. He's quite the character. 
Let me tell you a bit about him:
He switches his super-hero identity every day (today he's The Flash).
He defeats himself at Monopoly Junior at least once a week.
He's a mama's boy, and admits it daily.
He is convinced that his hair is actually his brain,
and that girls are smarter since their hair is longer.
He hangs on my leg like a kawala bear,
and then says, "I'm a bug!"
He believes that if he wears a Thomas the Train sandal on one foot and
a Lightning McQueen sandal on the other, he can run faster.
He's a lee-tle spoiled, but he's the baby, and I think he's my mom's favorite.
But I can't bring myself to hold a grudge against him. Good thing for him he's so cute.

     A few weeks ago, we went on a walk together. I asked him if I could take his picture, he said
"Uhh, yeah, but, jus' a second." He then plopped himself on the ground and posed, asking "Can I do my handsome face?" Sure, I said, do your handsome face.

One thing comes to mind: What a ham.
Happy birthday, li'l' buddy!

Sunny Day! :D

Hello! It's Miss Sophisticated (ha! not exactly.) 
Anyways, today is so sunny!!!  It's a nice break from our almost Fall weather, we've been having.
     So this morning from 9-12 I helped out in the nursery at y church while there was a mom's meeting going on.  It was a lot of fun.  Things/activities like that break up my school week and give me some variety.  My mother despises stuff like that cause it's time away from studying, but I adore doing that kind of thing.  We also go roller skating on the second Tuesday of every month, and it's must for homeschoolers.  I love and and my mom likes the exercise but she thinks it's a hassle cause it interferes with school time.  I say, we're homeschooled so that we can make up our own schuedules go on 'feild trips' and do fun things.
     But any ways, when I got home I found out that my mother took my little siblings shopping.  Thanks for thinking about me family.  At first I was feeling all left out, but then I put on some shorts and a t-shirt and opened the windows and made myself a delicious sandwich!  And I said, while I have time to do whatever I want (hehe) I'm going to blog it up!  And that's exactly what I'm doing.  It's such a beautiful day I'm glad I'm not stuck in the car, or the mall.
     Oh, and yesterday turned out to be not so bad also because my friend, who lives in my neighborhood, came over and we hanged out (Like my grammar? I'm homeschooled.). 
     Also, tonight I have youth group which I sincerely enjoy.
     I guess now I should get to work.
in a happy mood,
Miss Sophisticated
P.S. Did you know that p.s. stands for post script? I didn't know that until last night.
Also, P.S. I'm rereading the Harry Potter books!


October 06, 2010

Happy Wednesday!

     Howdy, folks! This is Miss Artsy Fartsy!
First, happy (belated) birthday to my Uncle, Ms. S's dad, glad he had a good one this year! I can't believe he's that old, either, because that means that in  four years, three-hundred-forty-one days, six-hundred-seventy-one minutes, my dad will be fifty! Wow! (Sorry, Hannah, I couldn't resist)
Second, I would like to give you a description of my school day, because it says a lot about me, and how disorganized and uncoordinated I am.

7:30-Wake up, beat the crap poop out of my alarm clock, walk into the bathroom, open my eyes, count my toes, brush my teeth, make the bed, straighten room, and head downstairs.
7:45-Put on running shoes and walk three miles on treadmill
8:45-Take much-needed shower.
9:00-Get dressed, do school, eat breakfast, do school, eat lunch, finish school.
1:45-Try to finish something pertaining to one of my many hobbies.
3:30-Wander about the house, talk to my siblings, check facebook, do something on the internet, read.
6:30-Dad gets home, eat supper, clean up after supper
9:30(ish)-Come up with a really great idea pertaining to one of my many hobbies, start working on it.
12:30(ish)-Almost finish my really great idea, but decide I should leave it 'til tomorrow, clean up a bit, get ready for bed
12:45-Hop in bed.
1:45(am)-Every night, like clockwork, I am woken by one of my brother's hamsters, who either gets out of it's cage or makes it's wheel bang against the cage.
2:00(am)-Get hamster out of my room, or wiggle it's wheel so it will not bang the cage any more.
2:30-Get back to sleep.

And so it goes.
     My whole day probably sounds seriously monotonous to a lot of people. I imagine things like: "Seriously, loser, get a life." and "Wow, and you were saying homeschoolers aren't lame?" are running through your head right about now.
You are entitled to your opinion, of course.
But I love it. I love having time to do things that I actually like, and not being pressured to play sports or do anything I do not especially want to do. I love being at home with all my stuff and my books, and getting to stick to my own cockamamie schedule, and taking classes that I want to take, and, and... well, I just love it.
Most of the time.
Sometimes, I want to curl up and die. But only sometimes. As a whole, though, I really do think I'm better befitted to homeschooling than anything else. I want to homeschool my kids, if I ever have any, and I thank God that my mom and dad decided to homeschool me. It makes me happy.

So, on that positive note, I'm off.
Miss Artsy Fartsy

This post has no title.

Hey, It's Miss Sophisticated!
This post has no title because I couldn't think of a title.  It's just a conglomeration of recent events in my life (the past two days, at least).
     Well my father didn't decide to take our family to Kentucky, but yesterday was his birthday!  My father is going to be FIFTY years old in 364 days. (he turned 49 yesterday) I cannot believe my dad is so old.  So we had my grandma and our neighbor's over for dinner.  We ate turkey, mashed potatoes, and stuffing and all that Thanksgivingy stuff.  Then we had apple pie, and Rhubarb/blueberry pie.  Then we did birthdayish things and yada, yada, yada.  It was quite lovely.
     Today I had a very non eventful, ordinary day of school, which just ended.  School is just school. Having been to the public school 5 years of my life and homeschooling 4 years, I have a pretty good concept of each and they're both just school.  They both have pros and cons and even with homeschooling there are days you just do not want to do school. *sigh*  This week has sort of been one of those times.  Blogging helps with the adveragness of life.  Gosh I suppose I'm being moody, since just last post I said how busy and fun a weekend I had!
     It's SO exciting to see all of the leaves turn red, and orange, and yellow! I love fall. But very soon we're all going to be sick of the cold weather.
         Well I suppose that's all.  Oh but Ms. ArtsyFartsy, that was a horribly, horrible creature.  That spider of whatever it was would have been dead within two seconds of me seeing that thing! Of course I would have had somebody destroy it for me. :)
     most mediocre,
     Miss Sophisticated

October 05, 2010

I'm Ba-ack

Hi! Ms. A.F. here.
So, I'm back. Back from a trip planned by my father, who has been known to do things spur-of-the-moment. As you may remember from my last post, we were either going to Canada, New York, or northern Michigan. Guess where we went? Kentucky! Yes, folks, seems the weather wouldn't cooperate, so, the night before we left, he decided to head south.
We had been packing wool socks and layers of sweatshirts
in preparation for freezing temperatures.
It took awhile to get re-packed.
My mother. She was not happy.
After a grueling nine-hour car trip, we arrived at our mountain-side cabin.
During our stay, we went to Carter Caves State Park,which is located in Olive Hill, if I'm not mistaken, and did the Cascade tour, which my mother counted as a field trip. I guess I don't really like tours.
But we saw some stalagmites!
We also did a couple of the hiking trails in Natural Bridge State Park, which were beautiful. I do like hiking.
As a bonus, there was a lovely cave cricket in the sink at the cabin.
It was big. It had long legs. I love bugs. I was happy.
I guess other members of my family didn't feel the same.
They destroyed it.

All in all, it was a fun trip, so, thanks dad!
~Miss Artsy Fartsy
Has any one seen my sanity?

October 04, 2010


     Oh dear, It's been a while.  I've had a very busy weekend and now it's another Monday.  Yeah!  This is Miss Sophisticated, by the way.
     So about my busy weekend... On Friday at 4pm my friends came over and we watched the homecoming parade, then we hung out at my house and went to the homecoming football game.  Then Saturday at 2ish I got my hair done for the dance, then I went home, got ready, and at 4, I went to My friends house with a bunch of other friends from youth group, and we took pictures.  The we went out to eat then to the dance, then back to the friends house to watch a dumb movie.  But it was so much fun!!  So that was my weekend.  Lots of homecoming related things.
     So at my biology class today there was no smelly infected egg yolk, just some Euglena, and Volvox, and Amoeba, and Paramecium.  So that was good.  I have no homework in government, thank goodness.  Lunch was good (no pizza, though), and in volleyball (girls vs. guys) we beat them two games out of three!
     Oh, and Also Ms. ArtsyFartsy has been in Kentucky. Ha! A bit different from Canada.
     Right now my little siblings are at homeschool gymnastics and I'm home alone.  So I'm on the computer, when I should be doing math.  I think I'd better get to work.
~Miss Sophisticated.