October 08, 2010

The Critters

Miss Artsy Fartsy here!
     My family and I have had a long, somewhat unsuccessful, line of pets. So far it has included a male cat that turned out to be female and had two litters of kittens, another cat that had a litter of kittens and then ran away, all fifteen kittens, which were given away or ran away to live in the neighbor's barn, my three hamsters, both of my brother's hamsters, another cat that my mom got for free at a local antique store, six chickens, and countless aquatic pets, including a crab, a snail, and a shrimp. All of this, plus my many bug-ish type pets, and a couple of toads that mysteriously 'escaped'.
     Anyway, right now we have it narrowed down to a black and white cat, a black cat, two hamsters, and a raccoon couple who eat the cat food. Today, however, I have decided to admit a new member to our zany little scrapbook of critters. Her name is Bud, she enjoys licking grape-flavored Popsicle sticks, and she is officially the funniest looking animal I've ever tried not to like! She's a stray cat. She's yellow, orange, black, grey and brown. She has gorgeous eyes. She's also very cat-like, unlike my mom's free-bee antique-store cat, who thinks he's a person.
     I tried, oh, so very hard to despise her, after all, who knows where she's been? She could be pregnant, or diseased, or, or... but it was useless. I'm a sucker. I was sitting on the porch swing reading, and she hopped into my lap and went to sleep. I'm turning into the crazy cat lady. Next thing, I'll have cat calendars and screen-savers, and wear tacky kitten t-shirts, and talking to my smelly barn cat, and...and...I think I need a dog. (Hey, ma, can I get a dog?)

Going clinically insane,
Miss A. F.

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