October 06, 2010

This post has no title.

Hey, It's Miss Sophisticated!
This post has no title because I couldn't think of a title.  It's just a conglomeration of recent events in my life (the past two days, at least).
     Well my father didn't decide to take our family to Kentucky, but yesterday was his birthday!  My father is going to be FIFTY years old in 364 days. (he turned 49 yesterday) I cannot believe my dad is so old.  So we had my grandma and our neighbor's over for dinner.  We ate turkey, mashed potatoes, and stuffing and all that Thanksgivingy stuff.  Then we had apple pie, and Rhubarb/blueberry pie.  Then we did birthdayish things and yada, yada, yada.  It was quite lovely.
     Today I had a very non eventful, ordinary day of school, which just ended.  School is just school. Having been to the public school 5 years of my life and homeschooling 4 years, I have a pretty good concept of each and they're both just school.  They both have pros and cons and even with homeschooling there are days you just do not want to do school. *sigh*  This week has sort of been one of those times.  Blogging helps with the adveragness of life.  Gosh I suppose I'm being moody, since just last post I said how busy and fun a weekend I had!
     It's SO exciting to see all of the leaves turn red, and orange, and yellow! I love fall. But very soon we're all going to be sick of the cold weather.
         Well I suppose that's all.  Oh but Ms. ArtsyFartsy, that was a horribly, horrible creature.  That spider of whatever it was would have been dead within two seconds of me seeing that thing! Of course I would have had somebody destroy it for me. :)
     most mediocre,
     Miss Sophisticated

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