October 05, 2010

I'm Ba-ack

Hi! Ms. A.F. here.
So, I'm back. Back from a trip planned by my father, who has been known to do things spur-of-the-moment. As you may remember from my last post, we were either going to Canada, New York, or northern Michigan. Guess where we went? Kentucky! Yes, folks, seems the weather wouldn't cooperate, so, the night before we left, he decided to head south.
We had been packing wool socks and layers of sweatshirts
in preparation for freezing temperatures.
It took awhile to get re-packed.
My mother. She was not happy.
After a grueling nine-hour car trip, we arrived at our mountain-side cabin.
During our stay, we went to Carter Caves State Park,which is located in Olive Hill, if I'm not mistaken, and did the Cascade tour, which my mother counted as a field trip. I guess I don't really like tours.
But we saw some stalagmites!
We also did a couple of the hiking trails in Natural Bridge State Park, which were beautiful. I do like hiking.
As a bonus, there was a lovely cave cricket in the sink at the cabin.
It was big. It had long legs. I love bugs. I was happy.
I guess other members of my family didn't feel the same.
They destroyed it.

All in all, it was a fun trip, so, thanks dad!
~Miss Artsy Fartsy
Has any one seen my sanity?

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