October 06, 2010

Happy Wednesday!

     Howdy, folks! This is Miss Artsy Fartsy!
First, happy (belated) birthday to my Uncle, Ms. S's dad, glad he had a good one this year! I can't believe he's that old, either, because that means that in  four years, three-hundred-forty-one days, six-hundred-seventy-one minutes, my dad will be fifty! Wow! (Sorry, Hannah, I couldn't resist)
Second, I would like to give you a description of my school day, because it says a lot about me, and how disorganized and uncoordinated I am.

7:30-Wake up, beat the crap poop out of my alarm clock, walk into the bathroom, open my eyes, count my toes, brush my teeth, make the bed, straighten room, and head downstairs.
7:45-Put on running shoes and walk three miles on treadmill
8:45-Take much-needed shower.
9:00-Get dressed, do school, eat breakfast, do school, eat lunch, finish school.
1:45-Try to finish something pertaining to one of my many hobbies.
3:30-Wander about the house, talk to my siblings, check facebook, do something on the internet, read.
6:30-Dad gets home, eat supper, clean up after supper
9:30(ish)-Come up with a really great idea pertaining to one of my many hobbies, start working on it.
12:30(ish)-Almost finish my really great idea, but decide I should leave it 'til tomorrow, clean up a bit, get ready for bed
12:45-Hop in bed.
1:45(am)-Every night, like clockwork, I am woken by one of my brother's hamsters, who either gets out of it's cage or makes it's wheel bang against the cage.
2:00(am)-Get hamster out of my room, or wiggle it's wheel so it will not bang the cage any more.
2:30-Get back to sleep.

And so it goes.
     My whole day probably sounds seriously monotonous to a lot of people. I imagine things like: "Seriously, loser, get a life." and "Wow, and you were saying homeschoolers aren't lame?" are running through your head right about now.
You are entitled to your opinion, of course.
But I love it. I love having time to do things that I actually like, and not being pressured to play sports or do anything I do not especially want to do. I love being at home with all my stuff and my books, and getting to stick to my own cockamamie schedule, and taking classes that I want to take, and, and... well, I just love it.
Most of the time.
Sometimes, I want to curl up and die. But only sometimes. As a whole, though, I really do think I'm better befitted to homeschooling than anything else. I want to homeschool my kids, if I ever have any, and I thank God that my mom and dad decided to homeschool me. It makes me happy.

So, on that positive note, I'm off.
Miss Artsy Fartsy

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