December 14, 2010


Hey! It's Miss Sophisticated again.  We have about 6-8 inches of snow and it's awesome! I love the snow.  I might get sick of it by February, but I'm not one of those snow haters.  I went sledding with my siblings and the neighbor kids yesterday.  It was a lot of fun. :)
     I have all of my Christmas shopping done!!! I bought my little brother George a red Betta fish.  I really like it. I'm having troubles hiding the fish without suffocating it or having George see it, though. :)  I bought Molly a wallet, and Kyler a gift card to the movies theatre.  I bought my dad a chic pair of light brown leather gloves, and I'm in the process of making my mom a picture frame that I'm 'scrapbooking'. 
That is all.
Bye Bye

December 11, 2010

The Epic Saga

     Hey! It's Miss Sophisticated. So, I watched Eclipse last night.  It's the third movie in the epic Twilight saga.  Don't worry, I'm not addicted to Twilight.  I haven't even read the books, and I think Harry Potter is ten times better.  I think I actually liked the third Twilight movie best.  It was pretty good. Basically just a love story, but I liked it. So They're making the fourth movie, the last one, in two parts.  They copied that off of the last Harry Potter movie.  Sheesh. 
     Anyways, If I had to pick I would say I'm team Edward, because Edward cares about Bella so much more than selfish Jacob.  He's also not all jerky and cocky.  Edward says to Jacob in this movie, 'You know, if you weren't trying to steal my one reason for existing, I might actually like you.' and then turd face Jacob says, 'Well, if you weren't planning on sucking the life out of the girl I love, not even then, would I like you.'  See what I mean?  Edward is defiantly the better person.  That's all.  And don't worry, Harry Potter, I'm still faithful.  After I watched Eclipse, I watched Harry Potter And The Order of The Phoenix on my iPod, and stayed up till three, therefore I didn't wake up until 12:30.
Bye Bye.

December 10, 2010

Hey! It's Miss Sophisticated. It's all exciting around here because Christmas is in sixteen days, we have the tree up, and about an inch of snow.
     Well  school is going ok.  My government class ends next week and so does volleyball. I'll miss volleyball, but defiantly not government. Biology goes all school year though.
     Right now in Biology I'm in module 8 out of 16! I'm learning about Gregor Mendel and genetics.  Like, for example, today I discovered that having free earlobes is dominant, where attached is recessive.  I have attached earlobes so my genetic genotype for the earlobe trait must be ee.  My mom has free and my dad has attached, so the only way I could have attached is if my mom's genotype is Ee, and my dad's genotype ee.  Get it?  I think it's pretty easy except for when they make you draw the complex pedigrees.
     In algebra I'm just kinda doing a little bit of everything.  My book is weird like that. They introduce a new-ish thing everyday, and we review it every lesson.
     I way behind in spelling, but seriously, what high schooler does spelling? And all of my other little subjects are fine.
     I'm just finished last years history, and now I'm going to start reading the new history books. I really like my history because it's just reading historical fiction books with some other books that aren't so fiction-y.
     So I meant to post this blog two days ago but then I realized that I didn't actually post it. Woops.
~Miss Sophisticated


December 02, 2010

Adios Leah!

     Right now Ms. ArtsyFartsy is on her way to Texas to visit her mom's family for a while. This is Miss Sophisticated, obviously.
     So I read the blog post, Leah (the whole thing!). It was excellent.
     Today I didn't wakeand up until 9:30-ish. I went downstairs at about 10, and I did my school on our new couch in the TV room, I think that's the place to be! I had no distractions down there. My little siblings (usually the biggest distractions), and the computer (a large temptation) were upstairs. I turned on 100.3, the Christmas radio station, and by noon I had finished a math test, a lesson of geography, spelling, and started grammar.  I've been very lazy lately. Not good. I didn't do school Monday cause of classes, Tuesday cause I was shopping all day, and yesterday I was just lazy like I was for many weeks before that.  But hopefully that will change for good.

  Au revoir,
Miss Sophisticated
P.S. Isn't that a very nice picture?!

December 01, 2010


Hello! Miss Artsy Fartsy here!
     I've just finished reading a truly great blog post. It's by this guy, Dan Pierce. If you follow alot of blogs, you may already have heard of his. He has several very deep, meaningful posts, but this one is the one I felt I needed to share. I literally sat at my desk and bawled my eyes out while reading it (I don't do that very often, contrary to my immediate family's belief). Here's the link: Single Dad Laughing-Worthless Women and the Men Who Make Them.
     The title seems a little... not quite right, which is why I almost didn't read it. I'm sure glad I did. It's pretty long, but read the entire thing, top to bottom (and that's an order!). Everybody needs to read it, and, much more importantly, actually take it to heart.

Much love, and have a merry Christmas-season!
Leah, better known as Miss Artsy Fartsy