November 17, 2010


Hi! This is Ms. A.F.!
     I wasn't really sure what to write about today. Then it struck me. "Of course! I'll tell all of the people about my middle-brother!" Then I thought, "Well, maybe that'd be better to do later..." Then it hit me that, if I didn't write about him, I'd have to tell you all about all the dead animals the cat leaves on our porch, or how strange my feet are, or something equally marvelous. So, for the sake of your mental well-being, I'm going with the brother-post. (I just heard you thank me)
     My brother... he's just a tad bit strange. He almost has a split personality. He's mildly obsessive-compulsive. He over-thinks absolutely everything, from which socks he will wear each day, to what fork I use to eat a fried egg in the morning. He also likes loves to start fights. It doesn't matter which sibling is around, as long as they respond to any of his many antagonistic tactics, he's all set. For instance, not thirty minutes ago, I was sitting on the sofa reading my history text book. Who should come along but my dear brother, Luke? So he sat on the other end of the sofa, and made fart noises for five minutes strait. When I failed to respond, he began poking my arm, with sound effects that I cannot even try to duplicate in print. So, I got up, and he followed, chanting, "I'm gonna get your stu-uff, I'm gonna get your stu-uff" repeatedly. He could literally do this for hours, to any of us, his beloved brothers and sisters. I try to ignore him most of the time (but not all the time, I'm still working on it). My younger brothers and sister, though, have a harder time 'turning the other cheek', as it were.
     When he is not busy making us want to strangle him, he can be such a sweet little guy. It's the freakiest thing, one minute he wants to torment the life out of you, the next he wants to talk about philosophy and lego-building. I seriously cannot convey the change that comes over him. It's like he's a different person altogether. I really have a hard time making the transition from wanting to hang him from his toenails, to talking to him like a civilized human-being. I've heard it said that the middle child is usually the one who differs the most from the rest of the pack, but I firmly belive that my brother is an extreme case.

Miss Artsy Fartsy

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