November 06, 2010

Happy Today

Hey there! This is Miss Artsy Fartsy!
     I'm feeling very good this afternoon. Maybe because it's Saturday. Or because my desk/workspace is now clean and organized. Or because my sweet outdoor cat finally got his act together and is sitting in the mudroom grooming himself. Or because I ate sugar cereal for breakfast. Who can say?
     As I write, my dear padre is in the basement putting in a new water softener. *queue hallelujah chorus* I love soft water. I despise hard water. What more is there to say?
     Today, the sun finally showed his face. It's still freezing outside, of course, but at least it's sunny. My sister and I took a walk to the end of our road, and we now have deep, dark, tropic tans (not really, but it's a nice thought, right?).
      I'm going to drink a mug of coffee, because I feel like it. Hopefully, this will help to continue my very good day. We shall see.

Miss A.F.

Congrats to Miss Sophisticated on her new camera! It is very chic, indeed.

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