November 01, 2010

*GASP* You Don't Go WHERE?

Hello, there, Miss A.F. here!
     Okay, I'll just try to be kinda quick, here. We (as in, myself and my family) do not attend church. I myself believe in God, and my mom and dad do, too. But we haven't gone to church in several years. This elicits more misunderstandings than I can count, mostly from people who go every Sunday.
     Many people can't understand why a family that calls itself Christian can stand not to go to church. My parent's have their own reasons, of course, but even if they woke up one morning and decided to go, I would not. I can't function in a place with a bunch of people. My brain can't handle it. Sitting in church, or a youth room, it takes everything I have to remain dignified, so how could I possibly learn anything, or grow spiritually? I went to a Wednesday night youth-group for a few years, and therefore dreaded every single Wednesday. Not to imply that it wasn't a good youth group, it was, everyone was nice and friendly. But I had nothing in common with anyone there, and I felt completely out of place. During the time I went, my spiritual life took a serious dive. I was absolutely miserable.
     Since I've stopped going, however, my confidence levels have soared, and I feel happier and more contented than ever. It seems completely ridiculous to some that I could be flourishing without a pastor or group leaded to guide me, but I am.
     Anyway, I guess I wasn't as short with today's post as I wanted to be. Oh, well.

Lots of love,
and have a happy Hallowmas! (look it up, it's real)
Miss Artsy Fartsy

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